Creativity Coaching
with Cyndy DiBeneditto
Calling all Artists, Musicians, Songwriters, Poets, Writers, Photographers, Dancers,
Actors or any Creative that is ready to develop, integrate and release their passions!
Creativity Coaching
Creatives Need a Special Kind of Support..
Born a Creative, I understand the joys and the challenges that come with the creative arts. There is no better
feeling than to express yourself creatively without reservation …. knowing you have connected to the endless
flow of divine inspiration. With that comes challenges like creative blocks including unhealthy relationships,
lack of confidence, busyness, obligations and responsibilities and even a crisis of the soul!
These are all things I have experienced and worked through to enjoy the creative life I have today. I can help
you negotiate the challenges that are interfering with your creative expression and living a creative life.
You deserve to ask yourself these questions...
Do you need support from someone who understands the life of a creative?
Are you feeling stuck on your creative path?
Are you having trouble connecting to your divine spark?
Are you feeling like giving up on your talents?
Do you feel like your talents can’t find a home?
Are you wanting to spend more time on your artistic abilities?
Here are the benefits of working with me:
You will learn:
What your natural abilities are…
How to cultivate inspiration..
How to break through any blocks that are keeping you from expressing your talents…
How to listen to your soul for the answers your seek about your creativity…
Creativity tips and techniques to increase your interest and enhance your skills…
How to love what you do everyday…
How to reach your goals with ease and patience…
How to find a home for your creations…
And much more…
I will always meet you where you are on your creative journey.
Give me a call…. Why wait to start expressing the divine spark that you are!
If you answered YES to any of these questions,
then Creativity coaching could be just what you need.
Do you think you’re not creative? Think again! :) Remember when you were a child and how fascinated you were with just about anything? Do you
remember creating without reservation no matter what the outcome? You still have that awe and wonder within you! I can help you find it again!