Why I Make Music…
 Just like spoken affirmations, music that you choose to listen to regularly can leave lasting impressions in your mind that can change your beliefs, thought process and behavior. It can alter the way that you view the world... for better or worse. I choose to make "Music to Recharge Your Soul" because it’s heartfelt, uplifting and inspirational. The lyrics can help you affirm your deepest desires and connect with your feelings and life experiences. The tones and notes can have a healing effect on your electromagnetic field and ingite endorphins and other very important brain chemicals for optimum wellbeing.  All song lyrics are written from my souls messages. Embrace the ones that call to you and take in all the love, peace and harmony from which they were created. I strive to create songs that will leave lasting impressions in your heart and mind that will empower you no matter what steps are being taken on your journey. My hope is that you will feel a sense of belonging and validation on your unique path of self discovery. Let the music transform you! I am honored to share it with you!
I believe that if you change your music, you can change your life.